Well, you did not get it out of an instant packet.
Long before our glass of tea is placed in your hands, generations of our family have fussed over every step of the process to make the perfect brew. We’re so consumed because we know that if any part of the process is not done well, perfection for that one glass of tea is breached.

1. Sourcing
Down to the tea hills in different corners of the world, from father to son, every generation, keeping decades-old ties, and working through the leaves - for almost a century, our family has been dogged determined to lay our hands on the best teas.
In particular, our family hails from Fujian province, China, home to some of the world's best white teas, jasmine teas, oolong teas and black teas. These are the lands we have known all our lives, and our relationships with the tea hills of this region go back more than a century. Needless to say, we have the deepest access to these teas in different price categories.
Much like our tea, we source straight from the farms as much as possible. This means going on trips to locate suppliers in the mountains and making sure they have the same vision in producing the best possible ingredients.
When we grow our own herbs, it means that we have carefully selected certain cultivars to ensure the best flavours are put in our drinks. This way, we also reduce our carbon footprint. 2-in-1!
2. Blending + Firing
Which to use and in what proportions after sourcing?
You could say this is where precise knowledge is most required. For example, what is the difference between an Iron Goddess tea that is sourced from Fujian, China or from Taiwan?
We use our experience and knowledge passed down the family to incorporate different teas from different regions. Our blends are unique mixes that will excite and intrigue your tastebuds when you take a sip, all while pampering your body with only the good, healthy stuff.
Tribal stories around the fire. Secrets whispered in the dancing shadows. From the dawn of time, we humans have always been fascinated by flame. Wherever prehistoric tribes travelled to, they carried the memory of fire with them. In doing so, humans began to set themselves apart from other animals.
From a young age, members of our family learned to stoke the embers of our perpetual charcoal fires. Nowadays, electric ovens make things simpler but we have not lost the know-how of mastering heat. A mastery that sets us apart and ignites passion within us.
3. Distilling Botanicals

From whence does that smell come from?
A peony! Or a lily!
And how the memories come rushing in.
Goodness isn’t just about the science of what you put in your body. Goodness is also spiritual, an ethereal experience that transcends any physical dimension or verbal definition.
We want you to experience naturally distilled goodness the way a bee draws nectar from a flower.

4. Cold-Brewing
Katy Perry said that
“You’re hot then you’re cold.”
Yes, we love hot brews too; however, since we’re committed to bringing the best flavours to you, we use cold brewing to ensure that the volatile essential oils of tea remain in the liquid.
It also means the tea is less astringent and contains less caffeine. Which just simply means the best possible flavour experience in the cup for you.

5. Tea-Pairing

Food and drink pairing. The phrase probably conjures images of starched white collars, expensive fine dining with multiple sets of gleaming cutlery or a mustachioed gentleman exclaiming “Jolly good show, old boy!”
At the core of it, what we are simply doing is to take flavours to experiment with and create combinations that intrigue your tastebuds. Painstaking but fun too.
Would you say that’s simply marvellous?
6. Compression Technology
Is it possible to shake up the industry of one of the world’s oldest drinks? We believe so.
That is why we’re making an effort to showcase this unique production method in our stores through Malaysia’s and Singapore’s favourite tea drink, the ubiquitous teh tarik.
We have found that teh tarik, while being prevalent, suffers from unreliable quality across our land. Even after picking a ‘favourite spot’, one might find the quality to differ somewhat across different visits.
It is why we have put our heart and soul to finding a solution to this problem. Through our use of cutting-edge compression technology, the art of making tea is perfected through science. Now you can enjoy a consistently good teh tarik every time.